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Member Night

Please join us to hear from Jeff Reynolds and JR Lynch…

Jeff Reynolds: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words and the Process of Starting a Photography Business

We all have heard the phrase, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” A good journalist when reporting on a story will use photographs to provide visual images to amplify the answers to the questions of the five Ws and H; who, where, when, why, what, and how. The process of starting a photography business can be described using this same method. We will take a journalistic journey of words and images in describing the start of the photography business of Nancy Tynan Photography LLC.

JR Lynch: Impressions of Vietnam, August 1967 to Aug 1968 using Kodak Instamatic Camera (non-combat images)

I always carried my camera with me and took photographs (color slides) when I could. I had three separate assignments during my 365 day tour, which provided many interesting photo opportunities which I will share and explain with the images. Some of the 50-year-old slides are not in good condition. I have scanned them with a film scanner and processed them with Adobe Photo Shop’s new AI photo restoration process. I will talk about my experience with the Adobe restoration process. My time in Vietnam was the first time I took photographs on a continuous basis of what looked interesting to me……capturing that special moment ! future interest in photography started in Vietnam.

March 1

Newport Public Library Exhibit-Spring 2025

March 31

DeBlois Gallery Exhibit